Monday, February 18, 2008

Who (really) has the biggest brain ?

For Facebook enthusiasts out there, the online game "Who Has The Biggest Brain" is well known, since it attracts over 50000 players every day. It is beautifully designed by PlayFish, featuring eight mind-intriguing games to keep you busy for endless hours. The more you play the better you learn its secrets, improve your score and compete with your friends (or the world).

Nevertheless, any game of this kind is susceptible to design flaws. No matter how well designed the graphics are or the music is composed, there are some details that have not been paid much attention to. Don't think about any advanced code reverse engineering, key cheats and the like.

Two out of the eight mini-games have to do with arithmetic calculations. Now think as if you had a 'robot' that can do these calculations instead of you. I am taking about a robot that can read your computer screen and do the math. It will certainly do it much faster than you (and it doesn't have to be a traditional mechanical one).

You can download this 'Bot' from here and get the source from here as well (Delphi 7). To play you have to turn off font edge smoothing of Windows (XP, Vista) and use the FireFox browser. To compile you will need some free components that you can find on (PBEditPack, CalcExpress).

I think that I've had enough fun with my friends :) You can play with it as long as you don't pose problems to the world scoring table, which I did and I apologize.

I really appreciate the friendly attitude of the software company about my 'abnormal account activity' shown above. Now I am sure that they will work it out and further enhance this very enjoying game. Looking forward.

P.S. The philosophical question whether a robot is smarter than his/her creator is currently under investigation with my friend uncle.

UPDATE : As of today (20 Feb), the guys are trying to fix the problem. Looking forward.

UPDATE 2 : The new game version (1.3.2) just doesn't accept a very high score in a particular mini-game. That was an easy fix by the developers and seems to be efficient yet a bit annoying :) Thanks to Bekki for the info.


  1. χαχα καλά ρε κουμπάαααρε,
    πάλι το έκανες το θαύμα σου!!! χαχαχαχ!!!

    Είπα κι εγώ, προς τι το αγγλικό...

  2. Δεν ξέρω ποιός είναι πιο έξυπνος αλλά το μόνο σίγουρο είναι ότι θα ζήσει περισσότερα χρόνια (βλ AI)

  3. Hi!

    I try to use the Bot but can you explain it in more detail how to set it up?

    Thank you!!

  4. VPapanik ta piges poli kala (gia na min po tpt pio vary!)...stin proigoumeni version omos!! :PppppP
    Exoun valei kapio orio sto max soston apantiseon mallon...
    Ftiaxe re c tpt gia ti nea version.

  5. Ναι, έτσι είναι, ήταν το ευκολότερο που μπορούσαν να κάνουν. Όμως με το timer στα 1000 ms κάνεις άνετα 1000 pts στο συγκεκριμένο παιχνίδι και το δέχεται. Το θέμα είναι να επεκταθεί το bot και σε άλλα παιχνίδια. I am working on it, αλλά είναι πολύ πιο δύσκολο...

  6. Hi Vpapanik, I'm a french guy and I tried to install your "bot", but I don't understand how to do it... Could you explain it a little bit more (in english if possible...).
    Very very great idea, congratulations. Thanks in advance

  7. Ok.

    1. Run WHTBB in firefox
    2. Run the bot
    3. Wait for the math game to show up
    4. Hit the button to solve or adjust the timer and enable the timer icon. Then press the button once and wait.

  8. First disable font edge smoothing (follow the link in the text to see how).

  9. Vpapanik, first thanks to be so quickly. But I still dont't understand the process:

    You said:

    1. Run WHTBB in firefox (The bot or one of the four files in WHTBBBot12source. If it is one one of this wich??)
    2. Run the bot (OK, I'm not so stupid :-)
    3. Wait for the math game to show up (when exactly: at the beginning or before it start)
    4. Hit the button (which one?? the clock, the text, the cross...) to solve or adjust the timer and enable the timer icon. Then press the button (same question) once and wait.

    Sorry to disturb you one more time but I bet with a friend that I will reach 3000 but my best is 2700....

    Thank you!!

  10. How are people still making the 3800 level? Since the bot doesnt work if its too high! yet, people are still making CRAZY levels!! do you guys think there is another bot around for other games?

  11. Hi guys,

    I wanted to try this Bot out for fun but I get errors...

    I followed the instructions (font edge, firefox etc) but in the calculation mini-game I either get an error about a module or something or it just doesn't find it. In the missing sign game it gives the correct answer on the first question, the wrong answer in the second and then it freezes.

    What's going on?


  12. @tk : Try a timer of 1000 at first. You may have a slow computer. Or try manual clicks.

    "get an error about a module or something"...could you be more specific ?

    @noname : 1. Run WHTBB in firefox (The bot or one of the four files in WHTBBBot12source. If it is one one of this wich??)

    The GAME

    3. Wait for the math game to show up (when exactly: at the beginning or before it start)

    when the game time starts.

    4. Hit the button (which one?? the clock, the text, the cross...) to solve or adjust the timer and enable the timer icon. Then press the button (same question) once and wait.

    The BIG button. Forget the rest, they are too advanced for you.

  13. i tried your bot.. however something is wrong.. I follow instructions exac tly but when the calculation/missing sign game starts.. i click on the BIG button... nothing happens .. i wait all i get is : HITS:0 and LAST: Not Found... nothing happens.....
    iam using firefox and handle is assigned... thx for ur help

  14. loipon exoume ta eksis:
    sto calculation me 44 sostes pas 1188 (27p)
    sto missing sign me 60 sostes pas 1200 (20p) pou einai kai to epitrepto orio...
    den xriazete rologaki giati sto calc kolaei kamia fora...xeraki! :ppPPp
    sta ypoloipa allakse (afksithikan oi pontoi)to point system stous kyvous kai sto order...

  15. Quick question, what is the bot supposed to do...? I downloaded the bot, ran it during the math section, clicked the big "Calculation" button for the calculation section...

    What's supposed to happen? lol

  16. I think that nobody disabled the 'font edge smoothing' of windows first.

  17. Paidia to hf pou evala san signature...simainei have fun!! lol
    telospanton eimai enas megalos fun tou game ...
    otna vrisko otidipote tha sas emimerono!

  18. kalispera vasili.EInai poly entupwsiaka ola kai bravo sou,apla eimai asxeth.Katevasa auta ta 4programatakia (WHTBBBot12,WHTBBBot12Source,calc,PBEditPack,)prepei na katevasw k tpt allo?ante katevasa k to WHTBBBot13 allaksa k apo ta properties ta effect.Pos trexoun ola auta den mporw na katalavw me tipota.Se eyxaristw ek twn proterwn

  19. Το μόνο που χρειάζεσαι είναι το WHTBBBot13 δηλαδή το WHTBBBot.exe το οποίο και τρέχεις. Τίποτα άλλο. Διάβασε προσεκτικά τα posts και τα σχόλια και σίγουρα θα τα καταφέρεις να το χρησιμοποιήσεις.

    Vgale kai gia to proto me ta touvlakia tipota :p
    xaxaxaxa :)

  21. gj me to bot... alla exoume meinei pisw..prepei na uparxei ekei ekso bot gia touvlakia kai to puzzle...apla checkarete kapoia top score... 1700 sto puzzle... OMG!!!

  22. you have the biggest brain

  23. Good work man.

    With (more or less) the same idea, I guess you could make a bot for the card game but the others might be a little more difficult...

    Looking forward to the next versions, keep up the good work!

  24. I've disabled the smooth edge type, opened the bot through firefox, clicked the calculation button right b4 the timer starts and ( another try ) after the timer start

    and I get module problem.


  25. The card game is very difficult because the cards exchange positions !

    Try it manually, without the timer. Be sure that the game has started before running the bot. Check the handle number, must be <> 0.

  26. geia treli i idea sou...alla sto mono pou mporw na to xrisimopoieisw einai sto ''icon order'' sta alla den bgazw akri...mporeis an sou einai eukolo na mou peis anlutika ti na kanw sto ''calculation'' kai sto ''missing sing'' ...;;;thamks..

  27. You really have the bigger brain.
    Thank you, although my scores were deleted.
    The calculation and missing game seem not to work any more.

  28. apo xtes den leitoyrgei to bot.mono to icon order paizei

  29. hi papanik..
    i can't do it..
    please explain how to use this bot..
    pls. add a video about how to use it..
    thanks so much.

  30. nai ontws...mono to icon order doulevei kai se mena!

  31. what do you mean by Run WHTBB in firefox?

    Thanks Before

  32. How do you mean run the bot in firefox?Can you please explain me...And crashed so I can not download CalcExpress,do you know where can I find it?

  33. Could you PLEASE add a video???

  34. "And crashed so I can not download CalcExpress"

    Maybe because it is

    Read next two posts.

  35. hmmm i read everything and still don t get im not stupid,of all that in the WHTTB-bot works only icon order nothing else,and i smooth the f edges.plz helpit would bereally nice of you to make a video cheers xD

  36. Hi..

    I have Vista..
    I disabled the 'font edge smoothing'

    I used the bot,but the only thing worked is Icon Order

    I tried the calculation...each time i hit give me number of hits but nothing appear in the game..

    can u help me

  37. i have got the same problem.
    vista, smooth, hit the button, the bot shows the numbers but do nothing. seems that he "read" the numbers from the game...

    any help?

  38. HEY PEOPLE dont bother...
    the bot was locked out from the WHTBB application...
    maybe someone will make a new bot out there as the original author is very positive about it...

  39. There's a new & updated WHTBB bot on

  40. how to use last bot?
    pls. explain much..
    after set up the prog.
    i couldnt do :(

  41. well I got a problem
    look, when I tried to use the missing thing game, I clicked on the button of the solver when the game started and it's just counted the hits and did nothing..
    maybe it has something to do with the component (you wrote that it's needed to download some components to compile )
    I didn't download one.. well I tried but it downloaded some weird documents that I had no idea how to use it.

    hm I took some screen picture here

  42. bale ena binteaki an mporeis se parakalw...mono to icon order mporw na kserei k kapoios allos as mou pei...

  43. the bot does not work any more. v papanik said it before but you still keep asking question!! dont waste your time...


    this should work for the calculation mini game , it uses gocr! It's lame but it does the job.
    come to think of it it's even lamer if you consider that MODIFYING YOUR SCORE DIRECTLY IN MEMORY WORKS ON ALL MINI GAMES! Anyway this should suffice for those who think that memory refers to the human ability. It's written in c++ and uses gocr for getting the text! mariok

  45. how does this work?

  46. use the x,y to modify the area the bot scans so that it fits the area where the calcualations game equations are. Hit the start button and then select the area of the game. As long as the game area is selected and x,y is correctly configured the bot is going to send the correct awnser. Sometimes it gets a wrong awnser cause gocr scans the equation wrong!

  47. thnx great work "Ανώνυμος είπε" best bot ever

  48. uparxei kanena software pou na leitourgei properly me to whtbb??
    etre3a to brainbot ektos tou oti einai argo kai kolaei dinei polles lathos apantiseis...pls an exete kapoia lusi dwste mou kai odhgies egkatastashs...
    sas euxaristw!!!!

  49. re paidakia..mhpws eimai teleiws asxeth?? tpt dn ktlv...8elei na mou e3hghsei kaneis sta ellhnika???

  50. This comment has been removed by the author.

  51. You need to improve your bot. This one is not good.

  52. φίλε σε παρακαλώ πολύ μπορείς να εξηγήσεις την όλην διαδικασία ΑΝΑΛΥΤΙΚΑ.θα σου πω εγώ τι κάνω και θέλω να με διορθώσεις.αφού κάνω uncheck εκείνο που λες στην αρχή,μετά ανοίγω το firefox.περιμένω να έρθει το παιχνίδι των μαθηματικών και παράλληλα ανοίγω το bot.μετά πατάω το calculation ή το missing sign και μου λέει not found.μπορείς να μου πεις σε παρακλώ τι κάνω λάθος?

  53. Hello friend, I`from Venezuela. I want dowloand your boot but not cant; appear error on link :(. Have you other link from I cant dowloading the boot?

    PD: I wish win my friend girl :D

  54. kalispera file,epeidi ta duo "here" pou dineis mou skane... [Runtime Error] kai i sellida pou anoigei leei...

    Server Error in '/' Application.
    Runtime Error
    Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine.bla bla bla...

    mipos mporeis se parakalo na to anebaseis se kanena rapid i kati allo sxetiko gia na to einai eukolo,paketo programma kai source.thelo basika pera apo to programma na do kai ton kodika[logo sxolis apo periergeia thelo ton kodika... :p]

    euxaristo ek ton proteron


  55. Re paidia..emena auto me ta x k y gt de douleuei???:(

  56. Hey, just wanted to thank you for ruining a great initiative and fun free game to actually match yourself against the rest of the world. It's jerks like you who destroy good will of people to make new free games.

    All you losers who want to get the world hi scores, you're still retards, no matter which percentile you reach.

    But the way you hypercritically apologize for cheating in the past and now make this cheatbot public really made me mad.

    just wanted to share this opinion. You ruined Whtbb. Hope You're happy

  57. No, it just got better. Too bad you discovered the whole story 8 months late. Better jerk than late.

  58. hi can anyone send me the application whtbbbot plz

  59. can someone send me other download link?
    or just send ma the file

  60. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
